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Старый 28.12.2010, 22:57   #73086  
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Аватар для ZoneMan
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апдейт до DAZ Bryce

Установился вместо предыдущей версии, серийный номер не потребовал... наконец "профиксили" работу Брайса на большом экране, где пропадала часть интерфейса. Исправлений много и несколько новинок (приведу весь список на английском):

Video Textures
Displacement Mapping-Bug fixes
0037171: Spatial Sampling for displacement doesn't work
0036825: Setting Displacement has no effect
0036512: Displacement mapping does not respond to transformation tools
0036511: Displacement mapping does is not responding to texture mapping modes.
Anisotropic Shader
Dirt Shader
Changes to the DAZ Studio Bridge to take less memory

Fixed since Bryce 7.0 was released:

Bryce : Implemented : Bryce Bridge: Add progress bar to Bryce indicating status of data transfer;
Bryce : Implemented : Anisotropy for specularity channel
Anisotropy is controlled by strength and direction, direction is calculated from RGB color as a vector (R-0.5, G-0.5, B-0.5), where RGB values are within [0..1] range, one can use textures to fine control anisotropy.
Anisotropic influence can be further extended to blurred reflection and diffuse channel.
Fixed #0039195 : doesn't load objects and alters volume materials.
Fixed #0039197 : Crash when selecting create terrain icon
Fixed #0039190 : Clicking on tree icon crashes Bryce
Fixed #0037706 : Loading object from library fails
Fixed #0039191 : Selecting trees from object library gives errors message
Fixed #0035043 : Objects excluded from being lit still cast shadows.
Fixed #0038476 : Bryce 7 PLE crashes when selecting the "Volumetric World" from Skylab dialog
Implemented #0037267 :tone mapping operator is added and used for exported images ( Mac side )
Fixed #0038924 : Specular Map Exponent doesn't accept numerical input;
Fixed #0038128 : Deleted instances reincarnated after the master is removed.
Implemented : Anisotropic specularity driven by texture gray value and calculated in tangent space.
Implemented : Anisotropic reflections driven by texture gray value and calculated in tangent space.
Fixed : Anisotropic specularity cutoff in shadows.
Implemented : Curvature shader, Curvature is used from DTE similar to Altitude and Slope and other shaders, but unlike them it also has to enabled in the material settings in the menu where bump mapping methods are switched. this is done because curvature calculation is time consuming.
Implemented #0037267 : Check button is now can be used to turn on/off using tone mapping for export and preview image
Implemented : Curvature for color modes
Fixed #0038875 : HDRI Transparency Control Greyed-out. Now sky uses HDRI transparency slider to blend HDRI and sky, scenes that used blend will have to adjust transparency slider and possibly base sky color.
Fixed #0039313 : Vol Slab crashes with IBL Mac B
Fixed : Volume materials from 7.0.x.x are loaded incorrectly
Fixed #0039375 : B7.1.0.14 Selecting Calculate Curvature causes a crash
Fixed #0039142 : Instancing lab 90 degrees out of Bryce world co-ordinates
Implemented #0037267 : using tone mapped image for rendering background
Fixed : Using tone map flag as parameter in compute color function is added
Implemented : Specularity control for IBL
Fixed : Changed IBL specularity scaling
Implemented : Compatibility mode for IBL specularity. Disable it for specularity control be independent of HDRI effect control
Fixed #0038032 : Volume material error
Fixed #0039428 : Scene files from older versions w/displacement crash Mac;
Fixed #0038193 : Rendering displacement on pyramid can result in crash;
Fixed #0038210 : Displacement does not render correctly on stones.
Fixed #0037267 : Black areas does not have influence on tone map operator any more
Fixed #0039471 : the tone map button is checked before tone mapping now
Fixed #0039472 : now tone mapping button state is reset when another HDRI image is loaded or new sky is rendered
Implemented : Blending modes for HDRI backdrop
Fixed : Subdivide object base triangles when their minimal edge length is more small than micropolygon size;
Fixed : Improved compatibility with Bryce6 IBL
Fixed #0039426 : IBL specularity slider stops responding to mouse pointer
Fixed : Update preview on blend mode changes
Fixed #0036599 : HDRI-Effect Intensity that goes negative as much as it goes positive
Fixed #0038923 : Displacement Not Working After Use of Specularity;
Fixed #0039473 : progress bar displays the tone mapping process when the check button is on and while exporting tone mapped image
Fixed #0039466 : equal HDR images share one tone mapped data buffer among them now. Tone mapping for HDRI happens only once - when the check button is pressed. Tone mapping for resized small HDRI preview happens every time preview is updated
Fixed #0038923 : Displacement Not Working After Use of Specularity;
Fixed #0037277 : HDRI include / exclude feature forgets setting
Fixed #0039466 : HDRI data management improvements - unnecessary copy avoiding
Fixed #0039467 : tone mapped image now created when check is pressed the first time only and lives until the HDRI is destroyed or reset
Fixed #0039468 : Appropriate refactoring is made to remove render speed penalty when tone map is used
Fixed #0038284 : Stopping data transfer from D|S when no memory left and showing out of memory warning
Fixed #0039528 : Blending mode should default to Blend into background
Bryce : Implemented : Possibility to ignore sky colour when shading IBL into background
Fixed #0039528 : Reset blending mode on HDRI loading
Fixed #0038136 : Displacement does not work properly with boolean objects;
Fixed #0036462 : Fixed problems with bump in spherical mapping mode.
Fixed #0039590 : Using Volumetric World setting with IBL crashes Bryce
Fixed #0036960 : stuck in Windows desktop flickering redraw loop when minimizing
Fixed #0039086 : DS bridge in Bryce is not working
Fixed #0036123 : Partial restoration of corrupted scenes on load
Fixed #0039192 : Fixed attributes and edit family dialog
Fixed #0036462 : Fixed problems with metaspheres.
Fixed #0037043: Sun intensity resets in some circumstances
Fixed : Extended HDRI-effect Range
Fixed #0038450 : Bryce 7 always crashes when started from a Mac OS X Case-sensitive hard drive
Fixed #0038566 : timelines incorrect values processing when only one keyframe is present added
Fixed : Anisotropy materials loads incorrectly on PPC
Fixed #0039313 : Unified code determining number of processors
Fixed #0038540 : Re-naming an Object in a group Rotates said Object
Fixed #0039351 : Filter graph for curvature is inconsistent with stated function
Fixed #0039352 : Dirt shader does not work with metaspheres
Fixed : Protection of curvature on metaspheres from background objects interference
Fixed #0039553 : Curvature flag for material is now set intelligently if curvature is used in any of the components of any texture
Fixed #0039544 : Curvature option to differentiate between concave and convex
Fixed #0039546: Curvature option to calculate after transformation
Fixed #0039545: Curvature option to recalculate after bump application
Implemented #0039438 : "Blend curvature" mode added to DTE
Fixed #0039707 : Terrains sent to DAZ Studio do not have textures;
Fixed #0039834 : Filename in title bar does not change after saving with another name;
Fixed #0036832 : Task bar cannot be invoked
Fixed : #0037152 : Moving the task bar locks Bryce.
Fixed #0037279: Motion Curves in motion lab has discontinuous speed
In addition to linear and spline smooth spline has been added, smoothing method can be cycled by shift-clicking on control points. new control points are smooth by default.
Fixed #0016735 : Can't resume AA render;
Implemented #0039477 : HDRI wrongly transformed for QTVR export. There is ability to select the panorama projection type while exporting HDRI to QTVR between cubical and cylindrical.
Fixed #0039543: Scattering algorithm was strongly focused on a shade normal direction, this is now fixed by adding an option to choose between old focused scattering and new fair scattering.
Fixed #0038100 : Sending amination from DS to B7.0.1.16 is broken;
Implemented #0039438 : additional suggested blend modes are implemented - fast curve, convex curve, concave curve
Fixed #0038100 : Fixed animation save/load
Fixed : Nonlinear curvature does not cope well with convex/concave blend modes
Fixed #0040032: IBL Interface Issues
Fixed : Misplaced start button on time palette
Fixed #0040089 : Export rendered image as QTVR crashes
Implemented : added support for new DS bridge option to send materials every frame or only with first frame of animation.
Fixed : Enabled by default correct 2nd phase of TA scattering for new scenes. If one wishes to enable old variant ctrl-exit render options. Old scenes can enable correct 2nd phase by shift-exiting render-options.
Fixed #0040215 : Light Settings Menu on Mac does not appear

Исправили мост между Даз Студио и Брайсом. Правда теперь Брайс требует для работы версию Даз студио не меньше (на сайте доступна версия Но работает нормально.


Последний раз редактировалось ZoneMan, 26.05.2011 в 12:54.
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