This Android GUI PSD is based on elements of the Android 1.5 GUI and was made to help the open-source community with its Android application mock-ups. Most of the elements and phone illustrations are done in vector paths and so are easily resizable. Android Sans was used for the text.

RIM Blackberry PSD
A complete PSD file with layer styles, this has 135 layers of Photoshop goodness.

Android Sketch Stencil Version 1.0
A Sketch-style Android OmniGraffle template. The purpose of the sketch style wireframe is to prevent the audience from thinking about visual design and encourage them to focus instead on functionality and behavior.

All elements of Maemo 5 GUI in PSD
This downloadable PSD file contains GUI template elements for the Maemo platform. These are indispensable for prototyping GUI applications running on Maemo devices.

iPhone 4 GUI PSD (Retina Display)
GUI PSD kit for creatives who design for the retina display (640×960). The file is huge, both in file size (62.7MB) and dimension (4074×2986). You’ll need to work at 25% – 50% even on the largest screens to roughly grab elements before zooming into 100% for the actual work.

iPad GUI Kit in PSD
This version offers a canvas size true to the iPad at 768×1024. In addition, most of the graphical elements are provided in vector format, allowing you a lot of room to scale up for high-resolution presentations. This version is layered in Photoshop, making it easy for you to go nuts with your mock-ups and client presentations.

Android 1.6 Wireframe stencil for Omnigraffle
Download this beautiful wireframe stencil add-on for OmniGraffle 5.x. Use this toolkit to wireframe Android-based apps and websites on the 1.6 Donut SDK.

Google Android GUI PSD
Here are the GUI elements of Android, built using vectors to scale.

iPad GUI PSD Kit
This pack includes full size graphics, as well as 256, 128 and 64 pixel icon sizes. The pack includes four sizes of the iPad graphic in PSD, PNG and Mac ICNS formats.

Google Android PSD
A stencil set for Google Android prototyping.

Fireworks template for Android
In this Fireworks template, Android UI elements have been redrawn as vector images. In the folders, the elements have been mostly labeled according to the Android vocabulary.

Sexy Vector Cell Phone
This phone can be scaled to any size. Easily add your own image to the screen with the included object mask. All objects are layered, grouped and labeled for easy customization.

iPad Stencil for Omnigraffle
Contains backgrounds, title bars, buttons, selectors and other iPhone UI elements. The text is fully editable in lists, title bars, buttons and scroll wheels.

iPhone App Wireframe Template

Mobile – iPhone

iPhone GUI Elements
Some beautiful iPhone elements. All graphics are layered Photoshop files.

iPad and iPhone Design
Design your application for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad with this exhaustive set of stencils. All stencils were created by hand with native OmniGraffle shapes, and groups and can be scaled, resized and exported to other vector formats in Graffle.

Design Stencil for iPhone and iPad
A stencil for designing OS applications for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. The stencil for now is targeted at developers familiar with the default characteristics of the views and controls provided by UIKit.

Apple iPad fully editable PSD
A fully editable Apple iPad in PSD format. Every element you see is editable via vector masks, and everything is scaleable.

Palm Pre GUI PSD
This set contains a PSD to help designers pitch and develop polished concepts using Photoshop.

iPhone UI Vector Elements
Most visuals for applications start out as vector mock-ups in Adobe Illustrator. So, here are some cool iPhone UI vector elements. And there are even a few good Photoshop resources and even a nice OmniGraffle iPhone UI file or two in there.

iPad Vector GUI Elements: tabs buttons menus icons
This set contains almost all of the iPad UI elements, including buttons, tabs, menus, keyboard and balloons. Useful for designers and developers, it includes scalable and totally editable vector versions (AI).
